Park Improvements and Updates

Midland Park, Old Pond Park, and River Park

River Park received its initial seeding, tree and shrub planting, and trail placement in Autumn 2015. DHM and POST have been working on potential park designs.  Click here to review them (3MB).


The Midland Park Improvements adjacent to the Library will include the construction of about 0.37 acres of wetland, part of the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 404 permits for the project. The work will include the construction of an elevated boardwalk above the wetlands and connecting to the Basalt Library, and related phase one improvements to the park that are part of the master plan for Midland Park. This work does not include the “story nest” installation by artist Jayson Fann, which requires a separate approval and that we still hope to install this year.


Old Pond Park improvements will include restoration and improvement of the portion of the park next to the river that was impacted by the bank stabilization and sanitary sewer replacement done with the river restoration work. Old Pond Park work will include expansion of existing wetlands, a board walk above the wetlands, and soft surface trails to connect existing trails with Two Rivers Road.

Midland Park Improvements

Click on image to enlarge.

An Elevated Boardwalk

Click on image to enlarge.

Old Pond Park improvements

Click on image to enlarge.