Park Concept Plan

Lowe Enterprises Presentation Materials

Lowe Enterprises’ Presentation to Town Council : Ideas on Development of CDC Parcel

Description of Lowe Enterprises Ideas for Riverfront Parcel

Lowe Enterprises presentation at community meeting April 9, 2015 below (16 seconds wait time)

Lowe Enterprises presentation at Town Council meeting April 14, 2015 below

Presentation Dates

  • Tuesday, March 10th : Town Council at Town Hall – P&Z and DAAC members invited
  • Thursday, March 12th : Public Open House at Town Hall (4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.)
  • Thursday, April 9th : Community Meeting on Lowe Proposal at Town Hall (5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.)
  • Tuesday, April 14th : Town Council check-in at Basalt Regional Library – P&Z and DAAC members invited

Town Council Actions

On April 28th the Basalt Town Council approved Resolution No. 19, Series of 2015.  In this resolution, the Town Council identified the Proposed Downtown Planning Map (Exhibit A) as a plan for potential buildings and park area. Resolution No. 19 also directs Staff to seek additional public input through the Our Town Planning website and an additional public meeting. Click here for the Resolution and Exhibit A. Feel free to email with your thoughtful comments about the Proposed Downtown Planning Map.

Thoughtful Reflections and Comments Are Welcome

Your thoughtful reflections/comments about the Lowe presentation are welcomed at As an example, Paul Andersen wrote an analysis on the Lowe Enterprises hotel proposal referenced in Scott Condon’s article in the Aspen Times on Friday, March 27th Andersen wrote the analysis entitled, “Where is the Turkish Bathhouse?”, on his own initiative. It is not part of the official DAAC process and he did not seek endorsement by individual DAAC members. Andersen is hopeful that the article and the analysis will provide yet more dialogue on the Lowe proposal and community vision.

A Report on Informal Networks


Chat Session Meeting Notes

Read topics that people are discussing.
• May 09, 2014 : Town Staff Chat (PDF: 62kb)
• May 07, 2014 : Knight Residence (PDF: 33kb)
• May 06, 2014 : Seniors Group Chat (PDF: 41kb)
• Apr 26, 2014 : Groves at Clasen Corner (PDF: 21kb)
• Apr 17, 2014 : Pendleton Residence (PDF: 450kb)
• Apr 09, 2014 : Gallagher Family (PDF: 300kb)
• Apr 03, 2014 : Johnson Residence (PDF: 29kb)
• Apr 02, 2014 : Lions Club (PDF: 20kb)
• Mar 27, 2014 : Cottle Addendum (PDF: 2.9MB)
• Mar 26, 2014 : Cottle Residence (PDF: 126kb)
• Mar 21, 2014 : Gerry Terwilliger (PDF: 585kb)
• Mar 13, 2014 : Wyly Art Center (PDF: 16kb)
• Mar 12, 2014 : Hall Residence (PDF: 16kb)
• Mar 06, 2014 : Dorr Residence (PDF: 20kb)
• Feb 27, 2014 : Hagman Office (PDF: 20kb)
• Feb 20, 2014 : Clark Residence (PDF: 25kb)
• Feb 06, 2014 : Chase Residence (PDF: 117kb)
• Jan 16, 2014 : Master Plan Summary (PDF: 109kb)
• Jan 16, 2014 : Kane Residence (PDF: 40kb)

Basalt Elementary School

“Crazy Uncle Mike” at Basalt Elementary School

Midland Park Master Plan

RMI’s Innovation Center

Proposed facility will include office space for 50 staff

Southside and East Basalt

See Southside and East Basalt Map (PDF: 3.0 MB)